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The Morrinsville College PTA is a friendly and welcoming group of parents and staff who work together on fundraising for the school. In the past, our major highlight in the year was our Fun Run and this boasted significant sponsorship from our local businesses and individuals. As an event that drew people from across the country, we were proud that the event was always popular and well-attended.


Our PTA has also been involved in catering for the Student Ball; this is always an enjoyable night for all those who attend, and certainly a highlight for students. 


After wide consultation and agreement with the parent and whānau community, the PTA has shifted its approach to fundraising, aiming for smaller events that can be more easily accomplished with the support from students and staff. We have agreed on one main event each term:

Term 1 - Market Day

Term 2 - Quiz Night

Term 3 - Parent Ball


We held a successful PTA Quiz Night last year however we were unable to hold any other event due to Covid. This year seems to be impacted in the same way with us unable to hold events because of restrictions and keeping everyone safe from Omicron and Delta.


Alexandra Avenue | Morrinsville | NEW ZEALAND   3300

+64 7 889 8308

Saturday afternoon at the Peak -Rototuna

Juniors - Term 4

Seniors - Term 1

  • Facebook - White Circle

Please note that there are additional fees for the Waikato Competition and additional fees for the North Island Secondary Schools tournament. there is an Interhouse Competition as well as an age group competition for School Tennis Champion 

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